Monday, November 8, 2010

"A lot is going on this space between."

Finally I'm getting around to posting images from my show in Mt.Vernon, Ohio earlier this year. My alma mater gave me a great opportunity to have a solo show in their brand new gallery space, which went as well as a show could ever go. The work was wonderful in the space and the viewers were incredibly responsive to the concept of the show. Below are some images of the space as well as the artist statement. I'll post images from each piece individually and the opening next.

The title of this show almost begs to take itself too seriously. That would be, of course, if the quote hadn’t been lifted from a woman referring to her recently acquired double-stuffed Oreo.

Each piece in this show attempts to engage in a conversation about authorship, decontextualization, and the function of consciousness in everyday activities. Utilizing intentionally varied gestures, this exhibition confuses its own artistic equilibrium by challenging the understanding of how, or when, actions become art.

In this space between, you will hopefully find yourself the observer instead of viewer and participant as opposed to consumer. You will simultaneously be asked to see the unnoticed and become the noticed. This space between is a spot made banal in its familiarity, significant through our accountability, and beautiful by association. This space between is a place to see and to become wholly interested in a remarkable and disinterested world.

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