Sunday, May 16, 2010

30 Days of Dinner Time, Day 4

In the window, Josh and Annie. This is the second married couple in the piece. It was so interesting to view them in comparison to Amanda and Ashanti from Day 3... how each couple's comfort with one another was so apparent and yet looked so unique in method.

Josh and Annie brought a very thorough spread, including a red table cloth, red wine, plates and flatware, dessert and what I later found out to be music from Josh's phone. Josh planned it all for a date gift to Annie, very sweet.

Foot traffic was lighter tonight, but one viewer stood out in particular... I will call her my thinking friend. She has been out to see each night of the piece so far and always brings new questions with her. She told me today that she spent a considerable amount of time thinking about why two people having dinner together is art. In the face of her bold question I momentarily forgot the answers I have been rattling off for months, it was such an honest and big question.

She concluded that simply asking the question, why is this art... turning into the question, what is art... may have been a big part of it. I concured happily.

It's early still in the month, but I'm beginning to see so many possibilities for this piece, for the ways my assumptions will be ruptured and recreated. It's so quieting and exhilerating to have permission to encounter art and life in a new way, on both sides of the glass.

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