Sunday, May 16, 2010

30 Days of Dinner Time, Day 8

In the window, Danny and Kevin. I know Danny through a critique group that meets once a month here in Chicago, though I think we may have only met once in person before tonight. Kevin is a friend of Danny's who is new to me, both stellar guys.

For dinner they shared the contribution responsibilities. Danny brought a pasta pesto dish with mozzarella balls, homemade bread and white wine. Kevin brought salad and mini assorted desserts. I know this in detail because they generously offered all their leftovers to me after their dinner time, which I happily consumed upon arriving at home.

Despite the continued frigid weather, the foot traffic tonight was magnificent. My suspicions of making friends in the neighborhood are being confirmed. The children on the block know me by name (and I them), hang out for long periods of time just to watch the work, and tonight I was even introduced to one of their girls' boyfriends (a right of passage I felt). Another woman from a few doors down brought me hot tea to keep warm. I am falling in love with the neighborhood.

It has also occured to me that the positive response is a bit like a drug. I have yet to have serious critique on the piece. Maybe that will come later, after... or tomorrow, who knows. But there is something to relishing in the simple joy it brings to my viewers and myself. Art should always be interogated, but it should also be enjoyed. So often I miss that second side. One thing is for sure, I can't get lost in the compliments and forget my artistic duty to study, critically engage and make this piece better. Though the compliments sure are nice :)

Many old and new viewers were involved tonight... Danny and Kevin had a visibly great time as well as expressed insights about perceptions of the community, the piece, and the surprise they felt toward viewer participation/ boldness... Also, it didn't rain (or snow) like it very well could have. Success.

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